感恩的心化作朝山的脚步 Gratitude turned into steps of pilgrimage
Picture1:Sister Miao Shan
2011年6月6日,在跟随仁炟老法师朝山的队伍里,有一对母女和其他几位青岛的师兄趁休假从青岛赶来了。每一次叩拜都是那样的虔诚,每一个步伐都是那样的坚定,话语间带着诸多对诸佛菩萨的感恩。仔细了解,是正觉寺,是佛菩萨治好了妙山师兄女儿的病,今天妙山师兄和她母亲是特意前来朝山报佛恩的。 On 6.6.2011, Sister Miao Shan, her old mother, 15-years old daughter and a few others from Qing Dao came to follow Ven. Ren Da to join the three-step-one-prostration pilgrimage. Every prostration of theirs was so sincere, every step was so steady. They were there to repay their gratitude to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
妙山师兄的女儿今年15岁,去年忽然得了一个怪病,就是晕,晕得站不住,学也没法上了,妙山师兄带女儿四处求医,青岛市的医院跑遍了,大城市、大医院跑了不少,所有该做的检查都做了,就是查不出病来,针灸、推拿、按摩、吃中药,偏方秘方都试过了,钱没少花,病情却是时好时坏,不见起色。 The story behind Sister Miao Shan was that her daughter had a weird illness last year. She could not stand still nor attend school because of severe dizziness. Sister Miao Shan brought her daughter to visit many different doctors, been to many hospitals, did every possible check-up and even tried various traditional treatments, but still could not find out the cause of the sickness.
后来她听说山东省博山有个正觉寺,就试探性地去了。在正觉寺,仁炟法师为她指点了如何通过学佛来达到身心的健康,并教导她们持诵大悲咒,喝大悲水,吃长素,祈求佛菩萨的加持,坚定信心。在正觉寺住了一周,孩子的病情就有所好转,回到家,她按照在寺院法师教给的办法,继续让女儿诵经持咒,喝大悲水,吃长素。在正觉寺住了一周,孩子的病情就有所好转,回到家,她按照在寺院法师教给的办法,继续让女儿诵经持咒,喝大悲水,吃长素。 Subsequently, Sister Miao Shan heard about Zhengjue Temple and Venerable Ren Da. So they came to the temple to give it a try. Venerable taught them how to achieve physical and mental health through chanting the Great Compassion Mantra, drinking the water blessed by Great Compassion Mantra. Venerable told them to go vegetarian and pray for the empowerment of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to increase their confidence. After a week’s stay at the temple, her daughter’s condition improved.
诚心所致,结果,没出半个月,她的女儿完全好了。她激动地打电话把这个消息告诉了正觉寺,接电话的同修说:“恭喜你师兄,在正觉寺这样的例子太多了,你又一次见证了虔诚学佛的好处”。 After returning home, she continued with the method taught by venerable. Because of their sincerity, her daughter recovered in less than two weeks time. She was so excited and called the temple about the good news.
妙山师兄激动地又打电话向仁炟师父报喜,感恩师父的教诲和加持。师父慈悲地叮嘱她,要让她和女儿坚持诵《大悲咒》和服用大悲水。 The person at the receiving end replied: “Congratulations! There are many such examples at the temple. You have proven once again the advantages of learning and practising Buddhism”.
Picture2:Miao Lai, daughter of Miao Shan, is also a monastery volunteer
妙山师兄激动地又打电话向仁炟师父报喜,感恩师父的教诲和加持。师父慈悲地叮嘱她,要让她和女儿坚持诵《大悲咒》和服用大悲水。 Sister Miao Shan also called Venerable to thank him for his method and empowerment. The Venerable asked her compassionately to continue with the practice of chanting the Great Compassion Mantra.
妙山师兄满心的感恩无以言表,当听说仁炟法师三步一叩朝拜九华山已经到新泰境内,就与青岛的师兄们相约一起前来跟拜,还带来了她的老母亲。 Her gratitude was beyond words. When she heard that the three-step-one-prostration of Venerable to Jiuhua Mountain had reached Xin Tai, she and a group of friends from Qing Dao came to join the prostration. Her old mother came along too.
妙山师兄说:“佛法的力量,由不得你不信,我的女儿就是一个活生生的例子,今天能够有缘来看望师父,在朝山路上跟拜一段,体验朝山,也算是有福气了。感谢佛菩萨治好了我女儿的病,我要把这种慈悲的关爱也带给身边的人,帮助有缘,报答佛恩。” Sister Miao Shan said, “The power of Buddha-dharma is so great and beyond imagination. The case of my daughter is a good example. It is my pleasure to follow Venerable’s prostration. I want to share my compassion and caring to people around me, help those who have an affinity so as to repay the kindness of Buddhas.”
妙山师兄的母亲也激动地说“谢谢我女儿把我带到这儿来,让我也跟着学佛、拜佛,明天我就要去正觉寺做义工了,用自己的双手为寺院的建设做一点力所能及的事。” With excitement, Sister Miao Shan's old mother said,“I wish to thank my daughter for bringing me here and giving me a chance to learn Buddhism. I’m going to be a volunteer at Zhengjue Temple tomorrow and use my hands to contribute something for the construction of Zhengjue Temple.”
在朝山路上,这样的故事也是比比皆是,一转头就能听到一个,受益的信众无不为佛法的神奇而奔走相告,相信现实的案例会让更多的人去相信佛法、学习佛法的。 Along the journey of prostration, there are plenty of similar stories. People who experienced the power of Buddha-dharma would share their experience around. Hopefully these real cases will induce more people to believe and learn Buddhism.
南无十方三世一切佛法僧三宝! Paying Homage to the Triple Gem of Ten Directions and Three Worlds!!